
My name is T.J. Maries. I’m an L.A. based Editor and Director who has been working in film and television for the last decade.

Ranging from Comedy Podcasts, Music Videos, Cosmetic Advertising, and more,

my diverse portfolio is ready to highlight a variety of creative possibilities.

Trash Tuesday Podcast


Batu Music Video

Director - Producer - Editor

Kylie Jenner - Lip Butter Insta Reels


About Me

Production and creativity have always been a part of my life. As a kid, if I wasn’t shooting and editing dumb videos with my friends in my backyard, I was filling up sketchbooks with cartoons, or painstakingly shooting Claymation music videos to They Might be Giants in my dad’s office with my Lego Studios set.

I sought a career in animation, but after some time in college, live action film production felt more suitable for me. After graduating from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2014 for Film Production, I spent the first several years of my post-graduation career in New York City. There I worked on a mixture of high end productions both on and off set, ranging from television shows for Amazon, to high budget features such as Spider-Man: Far From Home, all while crafting my own creative projects.

A change of scenery beaconed around COVID-19 and I chose to relocate to Los Angeles to expand my knowledge and connections in production. After working on more Marvel Productions in Hollywood, I soon joined the Local 871 Union. After a couple of years of Union work, the film industry shut down and I was allowed to grow and explore my creative skills of producing and editing.

The Hollywood strike ended, but my hunger for creative endeavors did not. I hope now to bring of all that I have learned both professionally and creatively to others and their projects.